Monday, September 17, 2012

A Little Insight...

Hello Ladies!

I thought you would appreciate a little insight into what's going on with the Women's Ministry Leadership Team  (WMT).  I would love to tell you that we have a lot of new ideas and plans for the future.  But God is leading us, and His timing is a little different from ours!  What we are learning is that there is a great deal more at stake than planning some group events and Bible studies for the coming year.  We are very carefully examining WHO we are, and WHY we would do something.  We have also made a decision that we will meet weekly, but only when all four of us can be there during this foundational period.  Because of some pre-existing family plans there will be three times over the next six weeks that we will not meet.  Life obviously goes on for all of us and those commitments cannot be ignored.  All of this to say, we are working diligently, within the constraints that we have, to develop a fresh and new vision for encouraging and equipping the women of Lake Valley Church.

Furthermore, we will be calling on you to help us in the development of this vision.  While the dates are not yet firm, we expect to have a series of FOCUS GROUPS to which all of you are invited to participate.  I know this may be a new concept for some of you, but I think you will enjoy the opportunity to be part of the process.  There will be more news on this when we are able to confirm the dates.

We are also putting  "A Fresh and New Christmas" on the church calendar for Thursday, December 6.  We want to honor the tradition of the Women's Candlelight Dinner, but with a little different take on the event.  I know that life speeds up from Thanksgiving on, so please pencil this one in on your calendar.  You'll be glad you did!

So, are you praying for us as a leadership team?  Please know that we NEED your prayers for wisdom and clarity.  I am happy to report, that this team of four women are enjoying a remarkably comfortable relationship.  We couldn't be more different, but we are also confident that God is at work in our lives and in this ministry to incorporate the gifts and talents He has given us for Kingdom good.

We love you, we are praying for you, and we are looking forward to hearing from you as we continue to serve our Awesome God!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Thank you Suzanne for the insight...and for the 4 of you allowing God to lead the group. It is very hard to search yourself and really know WHY you are doing something. I appreciate all of you. I'm excited for the Christmas event!!!

    Do you guys remember our pajama party?? That is one of my favorite memories of the women in LVCC, our gaurds were down, and we just enjoyed each other. I do miss times like that.

    Have a great week everyone!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Natalie! AND for the sweet memory of the Pajama Party. It's good to look back as we look forward.

      p.s.-I have a gift certificate from Zoe's for you. (Congrats again!) I'll get it in the mail today so you can use it when Rebecca is in town.

  2. Suzanne....I loved what you wrote in the community update. Thanks again for being transparent. You were correct in your assumption that others have felt the same as you! Thank you for taking action instead of feeling bitter and all that comes with it....I certainly needed you to fill this gap. Just know the 4 of you were an answer to prayer. I am encouraged that the spark is coming back into the ladies of Lake Valley....without the expectation of performance!!!

  3. You continue to be a source of real encouragement to me and the rest of the WMT. Please keep us in your prayers! Thanks, Natalie

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