The new year is well underway. The Wednesday morning and Thursday evening bible studies have begun along with the newest addition to the line up for Women of Lake Valley, Discover Your God-given gifts. The current class is full, but we plan to continue bringing this life-equipping class to ALL of Lake Valley as time and opportunity presents itself.
AND... a Bunko Night? Yeah! Tuesday, February 5 starting at 6:30 in the downstairs lobby of Lake Valley. Janie and Leslie have planned a fun night that includes food and PRIZES! Please add your name to the sign up at the information booth any Sunday before the 5th so that our two hostesses know how many to plan for. All of the details can be found under "Headlines", in the e-mail newsletter every Thursday.
Thanks to Janie Smith and Leslie Western for planning this "Girls Night Out" event!
I would love to connect with some of you who enjoy paper crafting. Any one interested? Click on the link below for a very clever Valentine idea:
Amber is one of my favorite designers in the paper crafting world. E-mail web links or pictures of any great crafting ideas you have and I will happily post them for all to see! Maybe our next "Girl's Night Out" event will be for us crafty girls!
Did you know that Judy Scott, a long time member of Lake Valley, was named Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce Ambassador of the Year? In addition to her busy work schedule, Judy organizes the coverage for our Information Booth at Lake Valley. Congratulations, Judy and thanks for letting your light shine in our business community.
Remember this: