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It was good to stand in front of the congregation yesterday and be introduced by Morgan as part of the leadership team for the Ministry to Women. However, I realized that there are a lot of you who have no idea who any of us are beyond that. Over the next few posts, each of us will tell you a little more about ourselves. Today, it is my turn.
My name is Suzanne Russell, I have been married to Mark for almost 38 years. We have two adult children. Our daughter Wesley, married to Tyler Choate, is the mother of Hudson, our only grand child. Our son, Mark Stephen will graduate in December with a Masters in Community Counseling from Denver Seminary. We are one of the founding families of Lake Valley, which means we have been around since 1993! I enjoy paper-crafting and blogging about it as a hobby, as well as the occasional golf game with my husband. I spend most of my days managing our household, grand-mothering, mentoring, working out at the gym, and now, writing this blog. I have had a variety of roles at Lake Valley over the years, but being part of this Women's Ministry team is my new favorite!
For a while, I have felt somewhat detached from the body of women in my church. Along with that, there has been a lack of direction, a sense that I just didn't belong any more. Surely after all these years, I still have a place in my own church! I believe God led me to feel that way because a lot of other women are experiencing similar feelings. I am grateful to say that He has given me real hope, a sense of freedom and calling as I have never felt before. I want to be part of a Women's Liberation Movement. Not the bra-burning, man-bashing kind that led so many of my generation to despair, but real freedom to be who I was created to be. The one and only Suzanne Russell that God loves and called to walk along side Him as His kingdom expands in this world. I believe He created me for a ministry of presence. As the Holy Spirit hovered over the unformed earth (see Genesis1), I feel called to hover over the women of our church in a way that encourages you to grow and be the one and only you for whom God has a unique plan; a destiny. I want to share my experience, hope and victories with you.
Feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, or tell us more about yourself. That's how this Connecting thing will succeed!
Thanks for stopping by,